sábado, 22 de agosto de 2009

Haven't written since before summer camp in Almería. It tired me out so much, I decided to stay away from blogging about it.

Now almost finished with my CELTA course, I have more ganas than energy to write, so I'll do it.

Actually, I'm asleep behind these open eyes. My body feels heavy, my breathing is not as optimum as could be (lots of cigarette smoke in the air last night), and I'm quite exhausted overall, mainly from not sleeping well the last few nights. Gotta sleep and eat lots of fruit (something else I've been missing this month of assignments, teaching and little time for food shopping/cooking/eating) in order to have a healthy VACATION back home in Glendale.

My interests in travelling/living abroad have been piqued since realizing that the course I am doing now will give me a certificate that will open the doors of work just about anywhere in the world. It's like getting a platter of chocolates, all of which you can choose from, not knowing which one to eat first! Which country should I try out first?

Current interests:
-Not sure yet but somewhere in East Asia
-Also another country in the Middle East...

In unrelated news, I'm highly bothered by the cigarette smoke that surrounds me at the moment. I can't understand how some people don't find it bothersome and don't have a consciousness about it's general fucked-upness. That shit is not good for you! Why focus on health in other areas of your life, then pollute your OWN lungs multiple times a day? No lo entiendo. I know I come from a different (less pervasive) smoking culture in LA...but common sense should lend itself here.

I can't wait for a more definitive anti-tobacco law in Spain/Andalucía which would prohibit smoking in all closed spaces. I know its damaging to local business, but in the long run, we're looking out for our health...in general, we can't pollute ourselves this way, knowingly yet ignorantly. I know you could say there's a lot of other pollution to deal with, why fight this one?

It's more about everyone's right to breathe "clean" (smoke-free) air. You can tell me that the exhaust coming from buses and cars hurt me just as much as cigarette smoke. That is being combatted as well, as it affects people and the earth on a global scale.

The local benefits of a more inclusive anti-tobacco law, however, will affect people right away, allowing them to choose whether they want to be surrounded by smoke or not. If it's a public space, you can't privatize the air, you can't impose a majority smoking habit on the people who want to spend time in public spaces without having to breathe in something that will hurt them. If you want to smoke, go outside and sit in a cafe with your friends or go to someone's house and fill the place with smoke...but leave the general public out of your unhealthy habit.

When I can't stand the smoke around me, I stick my tongue out as if expelling the air I've just breathed in. Not because I think it works (ha! if only!), but because I feel helpless, so I do it to feel like I may have some control over what I breathe. Manu saw me and imitated me without realizing I wasn't making a face or being silly. It sucks when you breathe in deeply and feel all sorts of shit in your lungs you didn't put there in the first place.

OK. Time to leave this smoky room and lie down.

Hope this message spreads. CONSCIOUSNESS and CONSIDERATION. That's all I want. :)

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